On Monday, Draupadi Murmu visited the Srisailam temple in Kurnool district and received blessings from Lord Mallikarjuna Swamy and Goddess Brahmarambika. The President arrived by helicopter to the Srisailam shrine in Andhra Pradesh, where he was greeted by Union Tourism Minister G Kishan Reddy and Telangana Governor Tamizhisai Sundararajan.
Murmu performed prayers at the temple and launched PRASHAD (Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual, Heritage Augmentation Drive), a Srisailam temple construction project. She also took part in the Kunkumarchana Seva at Goddess Brahmarambika and the Chenchu tribals dance event, all of which were organized by the Kurnool district’s residents. People want to know Draupadi Murmu’s Religion and if she is a Christian, as well as her Family Ethnicity and Net Worth.
Draupadi Murmu’s Religion: Is She a Christian?
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President Draupadi Murmu is a Hindu who practices Hinduism. As president, Murmu displays equal respect for all religions, and people adhere to the faith yet practice Hinduism in their everyday life.
Murmu said in an interview that her name, Draupadi, was drawn from the epic Hinduism book ‘Mahabharat’ and was given to her by one of her school teachers.People are anxious to understand more about her faith since there has always been relatively little information about it in public.
Draupadi Murmu’s Family Information
Murmu was born on June 20, 1958, in the hamlet of Uparbeda, Rairangpur, Odisha. Her real name was Puti Tudu, but her schoolteacher changed it to Draupadi. She was born to farmer Father Biranchi Narayan Tudu. Her grandpa and father were both members of the Uparbeda village council (also known as the Gram Panchayat Sarpanch). Bhagat Tudu and Sarani Tudu were Murmu’s two brothers. In 1980, Murmu married financier Shyam Charan Murmu. The couple was the parents of three children, two boys and a girl.
Between 2009 and 2014, Murmu lost her spouse, two boys, brother, and mother. Murmur had a terrible six-year run. Her son, Laxman Murmu, died at the age of 29 in 2009, and her second son died in a car accident a few years later in 2012. Murmu was devastated by another unfortunate event when her husband, Shyam Charan, died of heart arrest in 2014.
Draupadi Murmu Nationality
Murmu belongs to the Santal ethnic group. Santal is one of India’s most populous tribal groupings. Santal is a widespread ethnicity in India. She has Indian nationality since she was born in India. She is not of any other race. Murmu is the first president of her tribe and India’s second female president.
Draupadi Murmu’s Salary
President Draupadi Murmu’s net worth is believed to be about 945000 Indian rupees. Before declaring a candidacy for the Presidential Elections, Murmu disclosed her net worth to the Election Commission of India. Her net worth consists of 1.8 lakh INR in cash, 2.6 lakh INR in jewelry, and 1.3 lakh INR in insurance. Draupadi principal source of income is now her position as president. Her net worth will rise year after year as time passes.
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