Nicola Sturgeon

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Did Nicola Sturgeon Resign Due To Trans Rapist Scandal? Who Will Replace Her?

Nicola Sturgeon

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Nicola Sturgeon resigned as First Minister of Scotland and Leader of the Scottish National Party at a press conference held at Bute House, her official residence in Edinburgh. Ms. Sturgeon has been a member of the Scottish Parliament since 1999 and was appointed deputy leader of the Scottish National Party in 2004.

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She has been the first minister since November 2014, when she took over for Alex Salmond after the failed independence referendum. Ms. Sturgeon has led the SNP to national, Scottish, and local election victories.

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Last year, the UK Supreme Court ruled that Holyrood lacked the authority to hold another referendum on independence, which the UK government has blocked. Ms. Sturgeon wants the SNP to use the next general election as a de facto referendum, but there is some internal opposition to the plan.

Did Nicola Sturgeon Resign As A Result Of The Trans Rapist Scandal?

Nicola Sturgeon did not resign as a result of the Trans Rapist scandal. Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first minister, has announced her resignation after more than eight years in office. The leader of the Scottish National Party stated that she knew in her heart and mind that it was time to step down.

She made the announcement at a hastily scheduled news conference in Edinburgh. She is not expected to resign immediately, giving time for a replacement to be chosen. Ms. Sturgeon is the world’s longest-serving first minister and the first woman to hold the position. Stephen Gethins, a former SNP MP, expressed shock and disappointment at the news.

Who Will Take Over for Nicola Sturgeon?

The popular Edinburgh Central MSP has extensive experience, having previously served in both Westminster and Holyrood. Following the shocking news of Ms. Sturgeon’s resignation, one major bookmaker made Angus Robertson the favorite to succeed her. Mr. Robertson, who is currently Scotland’s constitution secretary, has led the SNP’s major push for a second independence referendum.

Despite the recent disappointment with the Supreme Court ruling, Mr. Robertson may be able to persuade Party loyalists that he is best positioned to lead the major political battles ahead.

Nicola Sturgeon Was Destroyed by the Trans Rapist Scandal

Nicola Sturgeon was all glib reassurances as she attempted to calm a tense public by insisting that a double rapist who was born a man but later changed gender would not serve a lengthy sentence in a women’s prison.

She couldn’t, however, deny – as she did for a time – that the “beast,” as the Tories’ Douglas Ross dubbed the attacker, was already in a women’s prison. Isla Bryson, who raped two women under the guise of Adam Graham, was remanded to Cornton Vale on Tuesday after being convicted at Glasgow’s High Court.

Sturgeon’s low-key response couldn’t hide the harsh reality that this case had dashed her hopes of persuading voters and the rest of the world to accept her gender reform proposals, which the UK Government is now blocking. Instead, the saga confirms many women’s worst fears: that predatory men will prey on vulnerable people because of her lax gender transition rules.

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