In an interview with Interview Magazine, Olivia Wilde stated how she based Chris Pine’s character in Don’t Worry, Darling on Canadian clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson.
During the interview, Wilde made the following remarks:
“We based Chris Pine’s persona on Jordan Peterson, the pseudo-intellectual hero of the incel movement,” says the writer.
This remark against Peterson, however, angered Jordan and Peterson’s daughter Mikhaila, who defended her father.
What does the term Incel signify exactly?
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Wilde characterized “incel” as a group of “disenfranchised, predominantly white men who feel entitled to s*x with women.” The Merriam-Webster definition of incel is:
“a person (often a man) who thinks himself or herself to be unwillingly celibate and who frequently displays extreme anger and hate against sexually active individuals.”
According to the website, males who identify as “incels” have expressed animosity toward women in recent years for denying them physical contact.
Olivia Wilde stated the following about Jordan Peterson
Olivia Wilde stated in an interview with Maggie Gyllenhaal that Canadian clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson impacted Chris Pine’s character in Don’t Worry, Darling.
Wilde further on the notion of an “incel community” by stating:
“They believe that society has now taken them, that feminism is against nature, and that we must be returned to our rightful place.”
In addition, Olivia Wilde made fun of Peterson’s profession and appearance. As stated by the director:
This man Jordan Peterson legitimizes some aspects of their movement because he is a former professor, an author, and he dresses up, leading them to believe that this is a respectable worldview.
After Olivia Wilde’s comments became viral on the internet, Jordan Peterson and his daughter Mikhaila Peterson responded to them.
Peterson, age 60, responded to Wilde’s interview with the National Post while discussing Pine’s based-on-him character. The author referred to Chris Pine as “a handsome man” and added:
“I also hope that Chris Pine pays credit to the sartorial beauty of my very formal public attire in the newest piece of propaganda spread by the woke, self-righteous bores and bullies who now govern Hollywood and demand that the production of such tripe be banned.”
Mikhaila Peterson, his daughter, responded to Olivia Wilde’s comments against her father in a podcast interview for Opposing Views. Mikhaila remarked while hearing a podcast episode of The Joe Rogan Experience in which her father critiques the incel mindset.
“Don’t fret, sweetheart, as my father is reputedly the king of the incels… My father does not favor incel.
In Mikhaila’s Instagram video, the epithet “pseudo-intellectual” also offended Jordan. He indicated:
“I am by far the most often mentioned psychologist at the University of Toronto.”
Wilde has not responded to Jordan and Mikhaila Peterson’s responses, but her film Don’t Worry Darling debuted successfully at the Venice Film Festival. Wilde attended the event alongside Harry Styles, Florence Pugh, and Chris Pine.
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