Alec Baldwin has taken a break from acting, To spend more time with his family and comprehend what happened when cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was fatally shot on the Rust set. On October 22, 2021, Baldwin’s wife and children departed the family’s Manhattan apartment for an unidentified place.
The family’s pet and children were loaded into a waiting SUV by an unidentified woman before the vehicle raced off. According to a source close to Baldwin, “He needs to take some time to himself, to be with his family.”
Alec has six children—Carmen, Rafael, Leonardo, Romeo, Edu, and Lucia—who he shares with his wife, Hilaria Baldwin, and who will help him get through this trying time. Ireland Baldwin, a daughter, is another child he had with his ex-wife Kim Basinger.
Alec Baldwin and Hilaria aren’t looking to Welcome another Child
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“She [Hilaria] wants to have a girl.” She desires Carmen to have a younger sister.
A couple of months after Hilaria gave birth to Edu, Lucia arrived through a surrogate. After a terrible miscarriage in 2019, Hilaria shared on Instagram how she yearned for a daughter. At the beginning of March 2021, she wrote on Instagram:
“We have so much thanks in our hearts. That Baldwinitos yearned for a younger sister so intensely. Many of you may recall the sister who passed away at the end of 2019 at the age of four. Not a day passes by that we don’t miss our daughter deeply. When I learned that our baby had passed away, I informed our kids that their sister was going to visit, but just not then.
According to Hilaria, her children are constantly enquiring as to when the next baby will be born because they have grown accustomed to receiving fresh babies. She has requested that they stop asking her that question because she is happy with the children the couple has. Judith said:
“It feels like the end is near. I’ve previously claimed to be finished when I wasn’t. I believe my current state of fatigue. And I believe that COVID alone is insane.
Alec said to People that he finds Hilaria’s status as the family’s center of attention to be annoying.
“My wife is the casualty there since they only want their mother, even though we both have to leave for work, so we have some help. I often remark that I’m doing great with the kids until my wife gets home, at which point I disappear.
Alec Baldwin daughter with Ex-Wife Kim Basinger
In 1993, Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger got married. Before they broke up in 2002, they invited Ireland Baldwin.
The couple successfully co-parented their daughter and get along well with one another. Ireland, a well-known model, gets along well with her stepmother. Hilaria commended Ireland and her mother, Kim, in a rare instance of candor regarding her relationship with Ireland:
“I love my stepdaughter as much as I love my biological children, and when I see statements that imply differently, I turn into a mommy lioness. A stepchild is a sensitive subject. I believe the reason why my connection with her has been so successful is that I have never attempted to replace her mother. I have a great deal of regard for her good mother.
Ireland sent a message on Instagram after hearing about her dad’s unfortunate tragedy, showing her support for Halyna’s friends and family.
She continued, “And wishing I could hug my dad extra tight today. Ireland then issued the following warning to journalists:
“To the few journalists who have been getting in touch with me: You’re disgusting and insensitive. Please stop giving out my phone number and don’t get in touch with me ever again.
Alec Baldwin and Hilaria’s Children have Spanish Names
Hilaria was charged with lying about her ethnicity in a discussion on Twitter that was posted in December 2020. The user claimed that the Boston native falsely identified as Spanish while failing to inform media outlets that she is actually of European descent.
Before the media picked up the story, Hilaria didn’t give the topic any thought. Internet users and the media examined the accent inconsistencies and ethnicity of Hilaria, concluding that she had been lying to the public for almost ten years. According to Hilaria, who spoke to Irish Times, she never concealed her American ancestry:
Boston is where I was born. I traveled to Boston and Spain. Spain is now home to my family. When I was 19 years old, I relocated to New York, where I have been ever since. I feel as though I have repeated that story nonstop for ten years.
Hilaria claimed that when she first met Alec, she told him that she was a native of Boston. Her ties to Spain are a result of her parents’ admiration for this country in Europe. After her first trip, when she was a baby, Hilaria returned to Spain every year.
While staying in Boston, the family spoke Spanish and consumed Spanish cuisine.
We used to refer to it as “bringing Spain into our home” while we weren’t actually in Spain, Hilaria added. She acknowledged the value of her ties to Spain and expressed her desire for her children to share her love of the country.
The names of Hilaria’s children are in Spanish, and they study it in school. She stated,
“I send kids to a bilingual school where they study Spanish in class and I speak Spanish to them at home. After the pandemic, she continued, the family intends to spend more time in Mallorca.”
Hilaria remarked,
“This has always been a part of my life; I can’t make it go away just because some people don’t get it. Hilaria said that she had to have better clarified her Spanish ancestry a month later. She apologized on Instagram and stated that she could have been more clear.”
However, some individuals find Hilaria’s adamant desire to sound Spanish confusing. Alexander Rechts, a previous dance partner of Hilaria, told the Irish Times that she finds Baldwin’s name change from Hillary to Hilaria confusing:
She has always wanted to be regarded as Spanish. She had family ties to Spain, her brother lived there, and she frequently traveled there. Why would you change your name, though, given you were born here and not in Spain? Hillary is a very fine, strong name.
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